Friday, 16 March 2012

TD Bank: 建议政府制定贷款新政; 大温地区房价高估10-15%

 TD Bank 发表报告, 房市泡沫将为加拿大经济带来严重风险
建议政府制定贷款新政, 以控制房价
大温地区房价目前被高估至少10-15% .

但他们身为银行,借贷者, 对于房市过于乐观是可以理解的  ; )

[Housing bubble a danger to economy, TD says]
Bank warns household debt also a hazard
Mar 16, 2012 12:24 PM
Overvalued housing markets in several Canadian cities and high household debt poses a “clear and present danger” to Canada’s economy, TD Bank warned in a report Friday.
The report flags Vancouver as the market with the greatest risk of a housing price correction, because of an influx of foreign buyers, likely in the order of 10 to 15 per cent.

The study by the bank’s chief economist, Craig Alexander, proposes the government introduce measures to keep personal debt levels from rising further.

The answer is not, Alexander says, for banks to agree to lend less.
“To do so would be collusion,” he said, “and it is illegal.”

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