Saturday, 17 March 2012

大傻3天前预测了固定房贷利率走向, 今日著名房贷网站做出相同预测

大傻对于固定房贷利息将在近期内提前上升的预测 (1.超低固定利率可能无法持久, 2,
5 year bond rate 继续上升), 过了几天后著名加拿大房贷网站 Canadian Mortgage Trends 提出同样预测。


March 17, 2012

Yield Spike Puts Mortgage Specials at Risk

The cost of funding fixed-rate mortgages surged this week as bond yields escalated.

The 5-year yield is up over 30 basis points in 10 days, and 45 bps since the end of January.

That means lenders could start pulling some fixed-rate specials and/or increasing rates in general, as early as next week.

Some have already lifted rates in the last 48 hours and we hear at least one major bank will be cancelling its 2.99% 4-year offer on Tuesday.

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