Monday, 19 March 2012

联邦金融管理单位发表 新房贷管理条款

加拿大联邦金融管理单位 OSFI 今日发表新的房贷管理条款之草稿。
目标在于提高借贷机构的自制力,同时提高贷款 (包括HELOC房屋净资产抵押贷款) 的难度。

大傻分析: 银行与其它贷款单位 (mortgage brokers) 近日来开始采取以缩紧房贷的行动来降低借款风险。 而财长又极有可能在3月底发表下一轮(第4轮)缩紧房贷政策。

政府现在看来开始要正视房地产泡沫的危机, 会不会太迟了 (泡沫已经太大) , 我们只能拭目以待。

OSFI releases Draft guidelines seek to improve lending practices 

OTTAWA, March 19 (Reuters) – Canada’s banking regulator wants lenders to be more transparent about their mortgage businesses as it seeks to minimize the risk to the economy from record-high levels of household debt.

Draft guidelines from the regulator released on Monday called for increased disclosure by banks on their exposure to certain mortgage products and markets, enhanced risk-management practices and treating home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) the same way as mortgages.

OSFI is issuing the draft guideline to allow industry and other vested parties to provide input on best practices for mortgage lending. The guideline does not affect the rules for insured mortgages, which are set by the government. 

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