Thursday, 22 March 2012

财长Flaherty 今日几句话

财长Flaherty 今日表示,有意"让房市自己调整", 话中之意是可能不会在下周发表明显的打房政策 (例如 减少最高偿还期至25年/ 提高首付等)。


第一.   财长旗下的 OSFI 联邦金融管理局 几天前发表的房贷法规草稿 已列出一些强烈的打房政策  (这法规影响的是 非政府担保之贷款,包括 HELOC)

第二.  CMHC 联邦房贷公司 逼近$600 Billion 担保上限。 若Flaherty 不大幅上调限度,将造成借贷单位无法像往常分散风险至CMHC/纳税人,造成房贷缩紧的后果。

第三,银行极可能已经在面对必须提升自身资产比例的要求, 造成数家房贷公司及银行 (eg. CIBC Firstline, TD, HSBC)在近几个月内已退出高风险房贷生意。

On the issue of Canada’s housing market, Mr. Flaherty made comments Thursday that suggest he is not preparing new measures in the budget to cool prices.
Mr. Flaherty said he would like to see if the market will “correct itself,” and noted that there are some signs that this is currently taking place. 
Some Canadian banks are calling on Ottawa to intervene – either by lowering the maximum amortization period for insured mortgages or by raising the minimum required down payment.
Mr. Flaherty said he finds those suggestions “a bit much” given that the banks ultimately decide whether to approve a mortgage. 

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