Thursday, 15 March 2012


皇后大学经济学教授3月15日在Globe & Mail 发表,加拿大人应该开始进入"危机应对模式", 减少负债。  他也强烈建议联邦政府尽快发表缩紧房贷政策,包括减少最长偿还期至25年,及增加最低首付至10%。

[Strong medicine urged for a fevered real estate market]
“Canadians ought to put themselves in risk management mode,” urges Queen’s University finance professor Louis Gagnon.
The professor is adding his voice to the chorus urging the federal government to make it tougher for marginal buyers to get into the Canadian housing market.
At the same time, people across the country should be lightening their heavy debt loads to avoid a shock when interest rates rise.
Prof. Gagnon is calling on the government to tighten the rules further in order to relieve the upward pressure on real estate prices and prevent a bubble. Which is not to say we’re not already in a bubble
Prof. Gagnon would like to see the maximum mortgage amortization period knocked back to 25 years from the current 30. The minimum down payment, he suggests, should be 10 per cent instead of five.

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