Wednesday, 21 March 2012

素里恶劣房东破天荒遭罚款 $115,000

素里一不顾房客安全的恶劣房东 (英语称: "Slumlord" = Slum Landlord)  Mr. Gurdyal Singh Sahota 及其公司 Waterford Developments 成为BC租房法规 (Residential Tenancy Act) 立法后第一个被重罚者。 他因多次不理会屋顶漏水的问题被检举。  BC住宅管理局长Rich Coleman 表示,这将有杀鸡儆猴的作用, 让其他的恶劣房东了解若不遵守 BC租房法规会得到的后果。

Surrey landlord slapped with $115,000 penalty

MARCH 21, 2012 2:03 AM 

Rotting walls, a collapsed ceiling and decayed deck railings at a Surrey residential building have earned a notorious B.C. land-lord the first administrative penalty under the Residential Tenancy Act.

Gurdyal Singh Sahota and his company, Waterford Developments, have been handed a $115,000 penalty for deliberately failing to abide by a May 2011 agreement to address a chronically unattended leaking roof that affected up to six units at Kwantlen Park Manor in North Surrey.

The penalty includes a maximum one-time fine of $5,000, plus $500 for each of the 220 days of non-compliance since a June 2011 deadline.

Rich Coleman, the B.C. minister responsible for housing, said administrative penalties are only considered for "serious, deliberate contraventions of the act."
"It should send a message to these landlords - and there's not many of them - who decide they're going to flout certain responsibilities they have to their tenancy agreement with these tenants," Coleman said Tuesday.

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