2/24-3/25, 2012 vs 1/24-2/25, 2012
Vancouver West 中位数价比上个月下跌$318,000 (-13.7%)
Vancouver West 均价比上个月下跌$488,000 (-17.3%)

* "Sold" 数据不准确,得等月底官方数据。
客观的大温房地产数据,新闻,与评论 - Where you find objective, non-biased Vancouver real estate news, statistics, and analysis.
4年固定: 3.49% 5年固定: 5.44% 5年浮动: P+0.2% Royal Bank raises mortgage rates on both fixed and variable types The Toronto-based lender said its posted five-year closed mortgage rates will move up 20 basis points to 5.44 per cent effective Mar. 29, while bank's special fixed rate offer on a four-year fixed rate will add 50 basis points to 3.49. Meanwhile, the posted five-year variable rate — which rises or falls along with the bank's prime lending rate — will rise 10 basis points to prime plus 0.20 percentage points. www.canadianbusiness.c...able-types
On the issue of Canada’s housing market, Mr. Flaherty made comments Thursday that suggest he is not preparing new measures in the budget to cool prices.
Mr. Flaherty said he would like to see if the market will “correct itself,” and noted that there are some signs that this is currently taking place.
Some Canadian banks are calling on Ottawa to intervene – either by lowering the maximum amortization period for insured mortgages or by raising the minimum required down payment.
Mr. Flaherty said he finds those suggestions “a bit much” given that the banks ultimately decide whether to approve a mortgage.
超低固定利率可能无法持久固定利率是由5 year bond rate 决定的。
虽然1月下旬5 year bond rate 下降 (造成BMO率先开始2.99%固定利率), 但是看来现在5 year bond rate 已经开始悄悄回升。
大傻评论 ->若利率回升,加上政府若在3月底发表新一轮缩紧房贷政策,将造成购房者资金减少,进而造成房市在晚春/夏季进一步下跌。
聪明(或是有时间等)的人,会不顾当下低利率的诱惑,继续储存首付(或退休金). 等到房贷难借时,就是市场上与你竞争的买房者减少时,也就是房价进一步下跌的时候。
.... 如果经济受到冲击,比如中国传来负面信号,给大宗商品价格造成不利影响,那么借款人可能就会承受压力。
固定利率是由5 year bond rate 决定的。www.bloomberg.com/quot...IND/chart/
虽然1月下旬5 year bond rate 下降 (造成BMO率先开始2.99%固定利率), 但是看来现在5 year bond rate 已经开始悄悄回升。
大傻评论 ->若利率回升,加上政府若在3月底发表新一轮缩紧房贷政策,将造成购房者资金减少,进而造成房市在晚春/夏季进一步下跌。
聪明(或是有时间等)的人,会不顾当下低利率的诱惑,继续储存首付(或退休金). 等到房贷难借时,就是市场上与你竞争的买房者减少时,也就是房价进一步下跌的时候。
GF认为,3月份财长Flaherty 将实施至少一项打房政策。
1. 再次缩短最长偿还期,从30年降至25年
2. 缩紧自雇/Stated Income 者的房贷+/-HELOC 借款额度
3. 再次减少Re-finance 时可借的数量,从85%降至80% (借此控制HELOC贷款量)
4. 要求银行提高自身的资本要求,提高流动资金,及减低杠杆比率 (这可能部分已经暗中实施)
5. 升高最低首付,从5% 增至7.5% 或 10%
6. 调高CMHC房贷保险的保费
7. 设置CMHC政府担保房贷的上限,譬如高过$800k 的房屋,政府不提供CMHC保险 (转由银行自行承担)
8. 强迫银行承担一部分贷款风险 (譬如令银行承担5%的房贷损失,而CMHC承担95% )
Ottawa urged to take concrete steps to limit growing consumer debt 3/15/2012 Mr. Alexander, chief economist at Toronto-Dominion Bank, says the government, which has tightened mortgage rules three times since 2008, should step into the housing market again and gradually roll out a series of steps to ensure the risk doesn’t get worse. “We want to ensure that the imbalance we have doesn’t get any bigger, so the economy over the medium term can weather the inevitable future adjustment in interest rates,” Mr. Alexander said in an interview. “If we incrementally lean against credit growth while we have low rates, it will be a better outcome for the economy.” In a report he will release Friday, Mr. Alexander recommends four possible measures: 1. the maximum amortization period for government-insured mortgages should be cut to 25 years 2. anyone applying for a mortgage should be required to show they could still afford it if the rate rose to 5.5 per cent 3. lenders should assess the ability of anyone applying for a home-equity line of credit to pay it off within 20 years. 4. minimum down payment for a government-insured mortgage should be raised to 7 per cent from the current 5 per cent, Mr. Alexander said. However, he is careful to note that the government should not attempt to implement all of the changes at once, or even closely spaced, for fear of causing the very economic damage that policy makers are trying to prevent. http://www.ctv.ca/generic/generated/...le2369949.html |