Thursday, 23 February 2012

央行锁定 房屋净值抵押贷款 (HELOC)

央行总裁 Mark Carney 锁定 HELOC, 再次警告民众不要继续"买最大,最贵的房子"

大傻认为,3月份财长Flaherty 将实施至少一项打房政策。

1. 再次缩短最长偿还期,从30年降至25年
2. 再次减少Re-finance 时可借的数量,从85%降至80% (借此控制HELOC贷款量)
3. 要求银行提高自身的资本要求,提高流动资金,及减低杠杆比率 (这可能部分已经暗中实施)
4. 升高最低首付,从5% 增至7.5% 或 10%
5. 调高CMHC房贷保险的保费
6. 设置CMHC政府担保房贷的上限,譬如高过$800k 的房屋,政府不提供CMHC保险 (转由银行自行承担)
7. 强迫银行承担一部分贷款风险 (譬如令银行承担5%的房贷损失,而CMHC承担95% ) 

Central bank targets home-equity credit lines
OTTAWA— From Friday's Globe and Mail

The steady climb in housing prices over the past decade has made it easier for Canadians to borrow against the value of their homes, leaving many families vulnerable to “a significant shock” if prices were to snap back, the Bank of Canada is warning.
Governor Mark Carney and his policy team have long pointed to record levels of household debt as the chief domestic risk to the financial system and the wider economy, urging borrowers to resist the lure of ultra-low mortgages unless they can afford them once rates inch up.
In a series of research papers published Thursday, the central bank shows much of the growth in debt has come from a surge in home-equity lines of credit, which allow homeowners to finance renovations and other spending at reasonable rates. While this may be a predictable result of a long stretch of low borrowing costs, the central bank warned that it means a swift reversal in home prices could have a “relatively large impact” on consumer spending.
In one paper, the central bank says loans backed by homes made up almost 50 per cent of all consumer credit last year, compared with 11 per cent in 1995. 
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, meanwhile, said on Thursday in Toronto that authorities are keeping an eye on the hot condominium market in some cities, and urged borrowers to resist buying “the most expensive house they can possibly buy.” 

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