March 2013 vs 2012
Sales: 2350 vs 2874 (-18%)
New List: 4811 vs 5843 (-18%)
Ratio: 49% vs 49%
Est Month-end Inventory: 15550 vs 15236(+2%)
MOI:6.6 months (est) vs 5.3
以下为过去几年3月滞销量 (Months of Inventory):
2006: 2.4 个月
2007: 3.1 个月
2008: 4.8 个月
2009: 6.4 个月
2010: 4.3 个月
2011: 3.2 个月
2012: 5.3 个月
2013~ 6.6个月
2013年3月大温房市处于平衡/买方市场。 三月过后,滞销量会开始上升。
温哥华若连4月都没法突破买方市场,我们可以预测2013全年会处于买方市场 (即 供过于求)。
今年3月成交/新上市比 及 成交量 为史上第二低。
年份 成交 新上市 比例
year sales list sell/list
2001 2315 3805 60.8%
2002 3392 5168 65.6%
2003 3304 4272 77.3%
2004 4371 5709 76.6%
2005 3938 5083 77.5%
2006 4033 5767 69.9%
2007 3582 5456 65.7%
2008 2997 5674 52.8%
2009 2265 4385 51.7%
2010 3137 7004 44.8%
2011 4080 6797 60.0%
2012 2874 5843 49.2%
2013 2350 4811 49% (预测)
客观的大温房地产数据,新闻,与评论 - Where you find objective, non-biased Vancouver real estate news, statistics, and analysis.

Saturday, 30 March 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Richmond Realtor James Wong's Feb Report
Worth a read.
列治文地产经纪 James Wong 刚发表2月列市地产报告:
The stand off between Sellers and Buyers will not be solved soon, and the slow market will continue into next year. More sellers who need to sell will bring home prices down. The only way out for them to have their home sold is to lower their prices significantly to attract buyers. As home prices decline, more buyers are convinced to continue staying on the side-line. Home prices will continue to decline until more buyers are convinced to get back into the market.”
买卖双方的坚持现象不会很快解决。 列市疲弱的房市将持续至明年。
The stand off between Sellers and Buyers will not be solved soon, and the slow market will continue into next year. More sellers who need to sell will bring home prices down. The only way out for them to have their home sold is to lower their prices significantly to attract buyers. As home prices decline, more buyers are convinced to continue staying on the side-line. Home prices will continue to decline until more buyers are convinced to get back into the market.”
买卖双方的坚持现象不会很快解决。 列市疲弱的房市将持续至明年。
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Some thoughts and insights
If I were the Finance Minister, I’d also “scold” the banks publicly first, before dishing out another round of mortgage tightening. Perhaps Flaherty is unusually targeting “mortgage wars” to portray the banks as the “bad guys”, while stating the very next day that he did it out of “concern for the Canadian people“.
Increasing the qualifying rate of insured mortgages to “6%” (or say, 5-year-fixed-rate Plus x%) could also be a logical rule change by the Finance Minister (beside tinkering with down payment req / amortization / debt ratios)
A member at a RE forum also stated "according to his friends involved with big bank mortgage underwriting",
“CMHC has already made additional changes to their guidelines in the last couple of weeks. Deals that were automatically rubber stamped are now being reviewed with a fine tooth comb and/or declined, the latter of which are being shuffled off to Genworth now.”
Perhaps further rule changes were indeed the weapons that Flaherty’s threats were backed with.
Another topic: ever wonder why some properties are listed on MLS as “Sold with 0 day on market”? A realtor said “I suspect that realtor has sold it first and only placed it on MLS for Medallion points at the Board”.
The reason I found this interesting was because some pumpers were using the “sold with 0 day on market” as a sign that things are heating up with bidding wars again. Those Medallion points are indeed hard to come by in this poor market ; )
Sales Stats (5 day moving average)
Quick YoY sales comparison:
5-(business)day moving average
Mar 6-12
2013: 114 sales/day
2012: 115 sales/day (-1%)
2011: 164 sales/day (-30%)
Mar 13-19
2013: 116 sales/day
2012: 150 sales/day (-23%)
2011: 180 sales/day (-36%)
2013: 116 sales/day
2012: 150 sales/day (-23%)
2011: 180 sales/day (-36%)
Spring officially starts today, let’s see how the Spring housing market unfolds!
(Bulls are placing a lot of hope on April 1st HST-expiry)
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Mar 1-18 Stats
3月1-18日 大温销售数据
2013 vs 2012
Sales: 1360 vs 1535 (-11.4%)
New List: 2980 vs 3192 (-6.6%)
Ratio: 45.6% vs 48.1%
Est Month-end Sales: 2240 vs 2874 (-22%)
Est Month-end New Lists: 4950 vs 5843 (-15%)
Est Month-end Inventory: 15770 vs 15236(+3.5%)
MOI:7.0-7.2 vs 5.3 (Mar 2012)
MOI is expected to reach 7.1, holding in "Buyer's Market"。
Historical Months of Inventory for March:
2006: 2.4 个月
2007: 3.1 个月
2008: 4.8 个月
2009: 6.4 个月
2010: 4.3 个月
2011: 3.2 个月
2012: 5.3 个月
2013~ 7.1个月
我们知道,滞销量大于7就是所谓"买方市场", 而过去十多年来,没有一年的3月是买方市场。三月过后,滞销量会一路上升。
今年3月成交/新上市比 及 成交量 可望成为有史以来第一/第二低。
year sales list sell/list
2013 2240 4950 45.2% (Est)
2013 vs 2012
Sales: 1360 vs 1535 (-11.4%)
New List: 2980 vs 3192 (-6.6%)
Ratio: 45.6% vs 48.1%
Est Month-end Sales: 2240 vs 2874 (-22%)
Est Month-end New Lists: 4950 vs 5843 (-15%)
Est Month-end Inventory: 15770 vs 15236(+3.5%)
MOI:7.0-7.2 vs 5.3 (Mar 2012)
MOI is expected to reach 7.1, holding in "Buyer's Market"。
Historical Months of Inventory for March:
2006: 2.4 个月
2007: 3.1 个月
2008: 4.8 个月
2009: 6.4 个月
2010: 4.3 个月
2011: 3.2 个月
2012: 5.3 个月
2013~ 7.1个月
我们知道,滞销量大于7就是所谓"买方市场", 而过去十多年来,没有一年的3月是买方市场。三月过后,滞销量会一路上升。
今年3月成交/新上市比 及 成交量 可望成为有史以来第一/第二低。
year sales list sell/list
2001 | 2315 | 3805 | 60.8% |
2002 | 3392 | 5168 | 65.6% |
2003 | 3304 | 4272 | 77.3% |
2004 | 4371 | 5709 | 76.6% |
2005 | 3938 | 5083 | 77.5% |
2006 | 4033 | 5767 | 69.9% |
2007 | 3582 | 5456 | 65.7% |
2008 | 2997 | 5674 | 52.8% |
2009 | 2265 | 4385 | 51.7% |
2010 | 3137 | 7004 | 44.8% |
2011 | 4080 | 6797 | 60.0% |
2012 | 2874 | 5843 | 49.2% |
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
FP: Moody’s analysis contemplates 44% drop in Canadian housing prices
Moody's 信评机构: 加国房市最坏打算见 44% 跌幅
13/03/12 2:01 PM ETbusiness.financialpost...=7ded-fac6
A severe economic shock, such as the kind that hit Japan in the early 1990s and California and Nevada in 2006, would have to knock Canadian housing prices down by 44% to cause securities linked to Canadian mortgages to lose the highest ratings assigned by Moody’s Investors Service.
一个严重的经济冲击,可能让加国房价下跌44%, 负面影响房贷证卷评级。
“As with Australia, Spain and the U.K., we expect house prices in Canada to suffer the most due to the misalignment of current house prices with historic fundamentals,” Moody’s said.
Moody's 认为加拿大的房市,如同澳洲,西班牙,及英国,会受到最重大的创伤, 因为房价与经济基础脱离太远了。
In Canada, the growth in house prices over the past 10 years has ‘’far outstripped” the growth in incomes, according to Moody’s.
“Think of it like an elastic [being stretched],” explains Mr. Connor of National Bank Financial. “The snap back is going to be a lot harder.”
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Mar 1-8 Sales Stats
2013 vs 2012
Sales: 650 vs 790 (-18%)
New Lists: 1583 vs 1697 (-7%)
Ratio: 41% vs 47%
Est Month-end Sales: 2150 vs 2874 (-25%)
Est Month-end Lists: 4950 vs 5843 (-15%)
Est Month-end Inventory: 15840 vs 15236(+4%)
MOI:7.2-7.6 (Est) vs 5.3 (Mar/12)
Greater Vancouver is expected to reach 7.4 months of inventory by end of March, remaining in "Buyer's Market" territory.
March usually has the lowest MOI in a year.
Below are historical March MOI's:
2006: 2.4 个月
2007: 3.1 个月
2008: 4.8 个月
2009: 6.4 个月
2010: 4.3 个月
2011: 3.2 个月
2012: 5.3 个月
2013~ 7.4个月
In the last 10+ years, not a single March was in Buyer's market (even 2009).
I expect MOI to creep up after March/April, making 2013 a year entirely in "Buyer's Market" territory.
I expect Greater Vancouver composite HPI benchmark price to continue declining YoY, while holding steady vs last month (before continuing its descent after April)
年份 成交 新上市 比例
year sales list sell/list
2001 | 2315 | 3805 | 60.8% |
2002 | 3392 | 5168 | 65.6% |
2003 | 3304 | 4272 | 77.3% |
2004 | 4371 | 5709 | 76.6% |
2005 | 3938 | 5083 | 77.5% |
2006 | 4033 | 5767 | 69.9% |
2007 | 3582 | 5456 | 65.7% |
2008 | 2997 | 5674 | 52.8% |
2009 | 2265 | 4385 | 51.7% |
2010 | 3137 | 7004 | 44.8% |
2011 | 4080 | 6797 | 60.0% |
2012 | 2874 | 5843 | 49.2% |
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Vancouver & Richmond recent sale prices
VANCOUVER 2525 w king Edward ave 4 yrs 3727 sq/ft, lot 6222 sq/ft 现开价 2.78m (List) 成交价 2.45m (Sold) 估价 2.594m (Assessed) 1055 E 64 ave 原开价 749k 降价后 738k 成交价 700k 估价 703k 4290 Nautilus Close 原开价 1.79m 成交价 1.55m 估价 1.573m 6907 Tyne st 原开价 848k 成交价 810k 估价 878k RICHMOND 11060 Bamfield gt 2950 sq ft, lot 5312 sq ft 原开价 699k 降价后 649k 成交价 599k 估价 674k 5940 No 1 rd 5343 sq ft lot 上次交易开价 735k 原买价 758k (2011-1月) 原开价 699k 成交价 699k 估价 831k 10-8433 Bennett rd 11 yrs 2 bed 2 bath 1134 sq ft TH 原买价 423k (2010-9月) 原开价 450k 降价后 436k 成交价 405k 估价 427k 74-9339 Alberta 9 yrs 3 bed 2 bath 1180 sq ft TH 原买价 434k (2010-12月) 原开价 459k 降价后 439k 成交价 435k 估价 448k 225-13020 No 2 rd 9 yrs 2 bd 3 bath 1316 sq ft 原开价 469k 降价后 450k 成交价 440k 估价 456k 17-9671 Capella dr 3 bd 3 bath 1426 sq ft TH 原开价 495k 降价后 479k 成交价 455k 估价 474k Source: RET forum user "Ham" | |
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Battle of Vancouver: SFH - Feb 2013
Feb 2013 SFH Battle Update:
- As predicted in January, Bear Forces successfully invaded Port Coquitlam and N Delta.
- Charged with triumphant spirit, Bear Forces also liberated West Vancouver, Port Moody, and Tsawwassen.
- The following Bull Territories are facing imminent defeat: Coquitlam & Cloverdale
- Coquitlam is where the Last Stand of REBGV Bull Forces takes place. The Bulls are down to the Very Last tank battalion. If they are defeated, the Bulls will be chased South of Fraser River, and possibly soon, South of the Border.
Dec 2012 SFH Battle Map:
Oct 2012 SFH Battle Map
* Areas with Positive Year-over-year HPI are controlled by Bulls.
* Areas with Negative Year-over-year HPI are controlled by Bears.
* Each 1% = One Tank.
- As predicted in January, Bear Forces successfully invaded Port Coquitlam and N Delta.
- Charged with triumphant spirit, Bear Forces also liberated West Vancouver, Port Moody, and Tsawwassen.
- The following Bull Territories are facing imminent defeat: Coquitlam & Cloverdale
- Coquitlam is where the Last Stand of REBGV Bull Forces takes place. The Bulls are down to the Very Last tank battalion. If they are defeated, the Bulls will be chased South of Fraser River, and possibly soon, South of the Border.
Jan 2012 SFH Battle Map:
Nov 2012 SFH Battle Map:
Oct 2012 SFH Battle Map
* Areas with Positive Year-over-year HPI are controlled by Bulls.
* Areas with Negative Year-over-year HPI are controlled by Bears.
* Each 1% = One Tank.
Monday, 4 March 2013
REBGV SFH Sales # vs 2012 & 2011
SFH Sales # by region (Feb ’13 vs ’12 vs ’11)
Van West:
’13: 104
’12: 177 (-41%)
’11: 242 (-57%)
’13: 104
’12: 177 (-41%)
’11: 242 (-57%)
Van East:
’13: 77
’12: 125 (-38%)
’11: 165 (-53%)
’13: 77
’12: 125 (-38%)
’11: 165 (-53%)
’13: 89
’12: 119 (-25%)
’11: 251 (-65%)
’13: 89
’12: 119 (-25%)
’11: 251 (-65%)
West Van:
’13: 31
’12: 68 (-54%)
’11: 92 (-66%)
’13: 31
’12: 68 (-54%)
’11: 92 (-66%)
’13: 60
’12: 105 (-43%)
’11: 105 (-43%)
’13: 60
’12: 105 (-43%)
’11: 105 (-43%)
Feb/13 SFH Sales Stats by Region
2月份 2013 vs 2012 大温独立屋 分区 数据: Richmond: HPI continues to trend down, now down 9% vs a year ago. Sales: -25% YoY Ratio: 36% vs 40% HPI YoY % Change : -9.0% (-6.3%,-6.5%,-4.2%,-4.0%,-4.2%,-3.7%) (last few months' YoY % change) Vancouver West: Sales down 41%, HPI down 9.2% vs a year ago. Sales: -41% YoY Ratio: 33% vs 55% HPI YoY % Change: -9.2% (-7.5%,-5.5%,-8.4%,-7.7%,-6.5%,-3.7%,0%) Vancouver East: What happened to the "Hot" Van East a year ago? Sales: -38% YoY Ratio: 35% vs 50% HPI YoY % Change: -2.7% (-0.5%,+0.2%,+0.5%,+1.9%,+3.2%,+4.8%,+5.5%) Burnaby: Major sales decline of -42%. Price erosion continues. Sales: -42% YoY Ratio: 31% vs 53% HPI YoY % Change: -3.1% (-2.3%,+0.4%,+1.5%,+2.4%,+4.2%,+5.2%) Coquitlam: Major sales decline of -46%. Sales: -46% YoY Ratio: 37% vs 59% HPI YoY % Change: +1.4% (+2.4%,+2.9%,+2.6%,+2.8%,+3.6%,+3.7%,+4.3%) | |
Feb 2013 REBGV Official Stats Package
2013-02 大温房市官方数据 Feb REBGV Stats (PDF)
Historical Stats see here
Historical Stats see here
CBS news: Chinese RE Bubble
"China's economy has become the second largest in the world, but its rapid growth may have created the largest housing bubble in history."
Major Chinese Developer "Wan Ke (万科)" CEO Mr. Wang Shi (王石) also spoke about the Chinese RE bubble.
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