Wednesday, 7 November 2012

CMHC continues to lower its forecast

CMHC 2011年2月房市预测:
"Home prices to track inflation: CMHC"

The existing home market will remain in the balanced to sellers' market range in 2011 and 2012," CMHC chief economist Bob Dugan said in a release.

Modest economic growth will continue to push employment levels higher this year and next
2011 及 2012 适中的经济成长将增加就业率

2012-8月 CMHC 预测

Average prices, which are down about five per cent in Vancouver this year from last year, are expected to climb about 2.6 per cent by 2013, both in Vancouver and across B.C.

大温房价比去年下跌5%, 但是CMHC预测2013年将上升2.6%.

2012年11月6日 CMHC报告:
The resale market is projected to move from a buyers' market to a more balanced market by mid-2013 in B.C.

We see a pick up in growth in both employment and the economy next year, and that's what leads to a slightly stronger outlook for housing

The average annual MLS price in Metro Vancouver is projected to end 2012 down 6.4 per cent to $730,000 and then drop a further 0.3 per cent in 2013 to $728,000
大温房价已比去年下跌6.4%, CMHC预测2013年将再下跌0.3%.

GF: 未来几个月/几年,随着房市下跌 CMHC会不断改口,下调预测。
大温失业率2012年明显升高,加国经济逐渐恶化。 CMHC 何能预测2013年加国经济及就业率会好转? 


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