Monday, 19 November 2012

New rules to govern lenders (including CMHC) coming in few months

11月19日Globe & Mail 讯:
2013年初 加拿大金融监管局 (OSFI) 将推出新法规来管制加拿大借贷机构, 包括CMHC (加拿大按揭及房屋公司) .
但OSFI 局长 Julie Dickson说,这一轮政策不会造成与2012年缩紧房贷政策相当程度的(导致房价下跌的)效果。
CMHC 在 2012年开始纳入OSFI的管辖。 OSFI 才刚在11月1日全面实行其"缩紧房贷政策". CMHC 则在2012年7月已实施最近一轮的"缩紧房贷政策".

GF: 2012年新政对房市的打击还未完全实现,连财长Flaherty在10月29日也才说过同样的话: "The full impact has not been felt yet".
2013年初政府就紧接着要在CMHC 等借贷机构下手, 继续严格化房贷批准。

New guidelines coming for mortgage insurers
Nov. 19 2012
Canada’s financial regulator will release new guidelines for mortgage insurers early next year, including the government’s Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. – but they won’t drag down the housing market as much as the guidelines for banks have, says the country’s banking watchdog.

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions will outline what standards it expects the country’s three mortgage insurers to follow when they underwrite a policy on a home. Ottawa has just recently given OSFI the job of overseeing CMHC, a federal Crown corporation that is the largest player in the industry; it was already regulating two private-sector rivals, Genworth MI Canada and Canada Guaranty.

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