Wednesday, 7 November 2012

CMHC 董事会


CMHC 董事会: 
大半是地产协会/开发商/建商 等兼职的。
难怪最近舆论直批CMHC, 甚至要求私有化CMHC, 以保障纳税人利益。

Sophie Joncas (Interim Chair)
St-Hubert, Quebec
Chartered Accountant 会计师
“.. professional experience in the public and private sectors, including construction and real estate firms, has enabled her to assist companies with their business and strategic planning needs…”

Karen Kinsley 地产开发商副总裁
Ottawa, Ontario
President and Chief Executive Officer, CMHC
“Prior to joining CMHC, Ms. Kinsley was Vice-President and Treasurer with two real estate development companies.”

James A. Millar
National Capital Region
Associate, The Sussex Circle
["A career public servant."]

Brian Johnston 
Toronto, Ontario 地产开发商总裁
President, Monarch Corporation
“..the President of Monarch Corporation, one of Canada’s oldest and largest real estate companies. … an active member within the home-building industry.”

André G. Plourde
Montréal, Quebec 蒙特利尔地产公司总裁
President, Groupe immobilier de Montréal Inc.
“…President of Montreal Real Estate Group Inc. since 2001, an important commercial real estate brokerage firm in Montreal.”

E. Anne MacDonald
Pictou, Nova Scotia
Lawyer 律师
["..has operated a general law practice in the Town of Pictou, Nova Scotia, since 1979."]

Michael Gendron
Edmonton, Alberta 造房公司业主
Chief Financial Officer, Mancap Group
“…part owner of Mancap Ventures Inc., a privately owned venture capital company with majority equity interest in a number of homebuilding and support companies based in Edmonton, Alberta.”

Rennie Pieterman
London, Ontario 伦敦造房协会董事,曾任为总裁
Partner, Practical Plumbing Co. Ltd.
“…partner at Practical Plumbing Co. Ltd. … served eight years on the Board of Directors of the London Home Builders’ Association, including as President in 2003. … a member of the Association’s Renovators’ Council since 1994.”

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