Saturday, 26 January 2013

Response to "Gordon"

[Gordon thinks Bank of Canada's decision to keep rate low & delay rate increase is bullish for Vancouver RE]

gordon 啊,GF只说过利息早已低到不能再低多少的地步了。
你真的天真到以为央行持平利息,甚至降息0.5% 对房市还能有多少帮助吗? 还有,好好想想为什么央行为什么延缓涨息,对,央行在同一份报告中说明加拿大经济继续放缓 (完全在GF预料之内)。 央行基本上已用尽低利率这招数 (只剩0.5%的降息空间)。 低迷的经济及消费者/投资者信心对房市的影响远高过持续低利率对房市的影响。

再说,财长在这一年来缩紧房贷的手段,包括缩短偿还期及紧缩债务/收入比例, 已造成相当1%的增息。而严格化的收入证明要求已造成很多旧规原可以贷到款的人反而贷不到款。 未来几个月内已要实施的贷款保险机构新规又将进一步缩紧借贷。

Banks are raising rates - for those who can't manage their debt
Jan. 23 2013
Interest rates are going up.

The Bank of Canada left its trendsetting overnight rate alone on Wednesday and made it clear borrowing costs won’t increase any time soon.

But that news presents a false picture of what’s happening with the rates some people pay when they borrow money.

Selectively and quietly, the big banks have been cranking rates higher for credit line and credit card customers with a less than sterling record in managing their debts. It’s all part of a growing trend to tie the interest rates charged on loans more closely to the client’s credit history.

GF 如果升华到Gordon 及 马龙版主 的夸张版中文造诣,其实早有太多机会发出 "给多军响亮的巴掌" 的证据确凿的帖子, 只是GF认为这些哗众取宠的头条是没必要的举动。 真正有判断力的读者是不会被一些缺乏逻辑的帖子误导的。若真相信房市在这状况还会继续连升几年,那GF 也救不了这些人了。

大家就先坐看今年的 "小阳春" 有多热络吧。

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