Wednesday, 16 January 2013

How did GF do on 2012 prediction?

Looking back 1 year ago, when I made the 2012 Vancouver RE prediction:


- 预测 HPI指标价在2012年上半将继续缓慢下滑的趋势, 而在下半年 (夏季尾声)加速下滑。

- 若政府在春季发表紧缩房贷的新政, 则可能在一两个月的缓冲期内见到短期房市稍趋热络的现象。但在新政执行后将见到房市加速冷却。

(I expect HPI benchmark price to continue gradual decline in 2012 1st half, while declining at a more rapid pace starting at end of summer. If the government announces mortgage rule tightening in Spring, then we can expect a short-term rebound in demand in 1-2 months post-announcement; however, we'll see the decline picking up pace soon after mortgage rule changes are implemented)

预测 Prediction:
A. 若无紧缩房贷新政 (If NO mortgage rule tightening in Spring 2012:)
1. REBGV HPI price 2012-6 vs 2012-1: -2 to -4% (+2.6%)
2.  Richmond,Van West will lead declines,SFH HPI by 2012-6 vs 2012-1: -3 to -5%. (Rmd -0.6%, VW -0.01%)
3. SFH Average price :2012-6 vs 2012-1: -4 to -6% (-7.4%)

4. REBGV HPI price 2012-12 vs 2012-1: -7 to -9% (-2.3%)
5.  Richmond,Van West will lead declines,SFH HPI by 2012-12 vs 2012-1:-8 to -10%. (Rmd -6.6%, VW -9.1%)
6. SFH Average price :2012-12 vs 2012-1: -10 to -12% (-5.9%)

B. 若有紧缩房贷新政 (If mortgage rule tightened in Spring 2012:)
1. REBGV HPI price 2012-6 vs 2012-1: -2 to -3% (actual: +2.6%)
2.  Richmond,Van West will lead declines,SFH HPI by 2012-6 vs 2012-1: -3 to -4%. (actual: Rmd -0.6%, VW -0.01%)
3. SFH Average price :2012-6 vs 2012-1: -4 to-5% (actual: -7.4%)
4. REBGV HPI price 2012-12 vs 2012-1: -9 to -11% (actual: -2.3%)
5.  Richmond,Van West will lead declines,SFH HPI by 2012-12 vs 2012-1: -10 to -12%. (actual: Rmd -6.6%, VW -9.1%)
6. SFH Average price :2012-12 vs 2012-1: -12 to -15% (actual: -5.9%)

Ended up, mortgage rules were tightened in 2012, but in summer, not spring.
GF's predictions was close for Richmond and Van West HPI, somewhat close for SFH Average price; however too pessimistic for REBGV HPI.

Stay tuned for my 2013 prediction this coming weekend.

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