Sunday, 13 January 2013

Jan 1-11 Stats

2013 vs 2012
Sales: 431* vs 457 (-6%)
New List: 1766 vs 2220 (-20%)
Ratio: 24% vs 21%

Est Month-end Sales: 1325 vs 1577 (-16% YoY)
Est Month-end New lists: 4800 vs 5756 (-17%)
Est Month-end Inventory: 13200 vs 12544 (+5%)
Est MOI:9.5-10.5 vs 8 (2012)

Greater Vancouver MOI, estimated to be ~10 by end of January, will continue to stay well in buyer's market territory.
January 2013 sales and sale/new list ratio will likely continue to be 2nd worst in the last decade.
However, new lists are markedly fewer than same period in 2012.  Judging from sentiments on Chinese forums, I have a feeling many potential sellers are waiting for the "traditional spring market"  commencing after Chinese New Year (Feb 10).  We shall see.

I would expect the REBGV HPI benchmark price to continue decreasing both YoY and MoM.

今年1月成交量及 成交/新上市比 可望成为十多年来第二低,仅次于2009年。

Year  Sale NewList Ratio
2002 2248 3626 62.0%
2003 1966 3810 51.6%
2004 1954 3039 64.3%
2005 1697 3360 50.5%
2006 1924 3471 55.4%
2007 1806 4067 44.4%
2008 1819 4675 38.9%
2009 762 3700 20.6%
2010 1923 5147 37.4%
2011 1819 4801 37.9%
2012 1577 5756 27.4%
2013 1320 4800 27.5% (est)

*Sales on Jan 2, the first business day of Jan/13, was unusually high.  I would attribute part of this spike to be spill-over from Dec 31, 2012, where no sale was tallied on MLS.  Excluding the first day of January for both 2013 and 2012, YoY sales saw a 19% decline.

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