Thursday, 3 May 2012

澳洲经济泡沫为近代史上最大, 即将"硬着陆"


Australia the most ‘obvious’ bubble in 30 years, says economist
 May 3, 2012 – 10:37 AM

As far as bubbles go, they don’t get more obvious than Australia, according to one economist and noted bear.
Albert Edwards, economist with Société Générale, put out a note on Thursday morning whose title says it all: “The biggest bubble in recent history is heading for the mother of all hard landings.”
Mr. Edwards cites Australia’s extreme reliance on the Chinese economy as the foundation for the current bubble. After all, Australia, a global heavyweight in mining, is dependent on the global commodity boom that China has largely helped fuel over the last decade.
“All we have in Australia, at its simplest, is a credit bubble built upon a commodity boom dependent for its sustenance on an even greater credit bubble in China,” he said.

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