Thursday, 5 April 2012


4月5日新闻 - Royal Bank of Canada 调查显示,
73% 不打算在未来两年买房。 (去年同期调查结果为 71% 不打算买房)

Most Canadians plan no home buying in next 2 years: RBC

TORONTO (Reuters) - A growing majority of Canadians do not intend to buy a house in the next two years, even with mortgage rates near record lows, according to a Royal Bank of Canada survey released on Thursday.
In RBC's annual poll of Canadian homeowners, 73 percent of respondents said they are unlikely to buy within the next two years, an increase of 2 percent over the previous year's survey.
However, 46 percent of those polled expected mortgage rates to stay at ultra-low levels next year, up sharply from 30 percent in 2011. The poll also found that nearly 60 percent felt this year was a good time to buy a house, compared to 41 percent that felt 2013 would be better.
"Canadians still feel confident about real estate but are a little uncertain about where the market is heading and when it makes sense to buy," said Marcia Moffat, head of home equity financing at RBC.

In the RBC poll, 68 percent of homeowners said the value of their home had increased in the last two years, but only 47 percent expected prices to be higher a year from now.;_ylv=3

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