今天这一帖,我们来讨论 GF 心目中的第一个(长期自住)的独立房。
现在房价 = $1,000,000
现有首付 = $250,000 (= 25% down payment)
则 Mortgage = $750,000
若偿还期 25年,固定利率3.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3741
若偿还期 20年,固定利率3.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $4336
若偿还期 15年,固定利率3.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $5349
现在房价 = $850,000
现有首付 = $250,000 (= 29.4% down payment)
则 Mortgage = $600,000
若偿还期 25年,固定利率4.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3318,比现在买房少付$423/月
若偿还期 20年,固定利率4.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3779,比现在买房少付$557/月
若偿还期 15年,固定利率4.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $4574,比现在买房少付$775/月
现在房价 = $850,000
现有首付 = $250,000 (= 29.4% down payment)
则 Mortgage = $600,000
若偿还期 25年,固定利率4.99%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3486,比现在买房少付$255/月
若偿还期 20年,固定利率4.99%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3940,比现在买房少付$396/月
若偿还期 15年,固定利率4.99%, 则每月 Mortgage = $4726,比现在买房少付$623/月
若两年后才买房,而房价那时跌了15%,但利息上升了1%,而首付增加了$50k (存了两年的剩余收入):
现在房价 = $850,000
现有首付 = $300,000 (= 35.3% down payment)
则 Mortgage = $550,000
若偿还期 25年,固定利率4.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3041,比现在买房少付$700/月
若偿还期 20年,固定利率4.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3464,比现在买房少付$872/月
若偿还期 15年,固定利率4.49%, 则每月 Mortgage = $4193,比现在买房少付$1156/月
若两年后才买房,而房价那时跌了15%,但利息上升了1.5%,而首付增加了$50k (存了两年的剩余收入):
现在房价 = $850,000
现有首付 = $300,000 (= 35.3% down payment)
则 Mortgage = $550,000
若偿还期 25年,固定利率4.99%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3196,比现在买房少付$545/月
若偿还期 20年,固定利率4.99%, 则每月 Mortgage = $3611,比现在买房少付$725/月
若偿还期 15年,固定利率4.99%, 则每月 Mortgage = $4332,比现在买房少付$1017/月
若两年后房价(保守估计)下跌15%, 但利率上涨... (贷款20年)
1. 利率上涨1.0% → 月付减少 $557/月 (-13%)
2. 利率上涨1.5% → 月付减少 $396/月 (-9%)
但是,两年后GF多存了$50,000 作为首付 (保守估计)
1. 利率上涨1.0% → 月付减少 $872/月 (-20%)
2. 利率上涨1.5% → 月付减少 $725/月 (-17%)
客观的大温房地产数据,新闻,与评论 - Where you find objective, non-biased Vancouver real estate news, statistics, and analysis.

Saturday, 28 April 2012
Friday, 27 April 2012
2012 vs 2011 四月同期 成交 2682 vs 3120 (下降14%) 新上市 5637 vs 5629 (持平) 比例 47.6% vs 55.5% (差8%) 预计今年4月底总成交量为: 2810 比 2012-3月: 2874 = 下跌 ~2% 比 2011-4月: 3225 = 下跌 ~13% 成交量为十年来4月份最低 年份 成交 新上市 比例
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财长考虑废除CMHC 房贷保险
时间不明,但若执行,则银行及贷款机构将失去政府(及纳税人) 100%的担保, 而把风险转移到银行/贷款机构上。 房贷要更难拿了,而加拿大10年来兴旺的房地产业,将面临更重大的打击。
Apr 27, 2012 – 6:33 PM ET
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty would consider taking Canada Mortgage Housing Corp.out of the mortgage default insurance business he told the National Post’s editorial board.
“Over time, I don’t think it’s essential that a government financial institution provide mortgage insurance in Canada. I think what’s key is that mortgage insurance is available at a reasonable cost in Canada. I think there is a role to regulate but whether we, the Canadian people, have to be the owners and shareholders of a financial institution to do this is a question. I don’t think it’s essential in the long run.”
He offered no timetable on when the government could get out of mortgage default insurance business, just offering it up as a possibility. “We have a list of Crowns, Crown agencies that are being reviewed,” said Mr. Flaherty.
西班牙国债遭 S&P 降2级
The sell-off came after S&P, citing expectations Spain's finances will deteriorate even more than previously thought due to the recession and the country's ailing banking sector, downgraded the country to BBB-plus from A and put a negative outlook on the credit.
The rating agency also said the situation could deteriorate further unless strong measures were taken at a European level.
"This downgrade shows that governments in Europe are still struggling to get their budget in balance. We are probably going to see more downgrades from other rating agencies," Philippe Gijsels, head of research at BNP Paribas Fortis Global Markets in Brussels, said.
大温各区 "回收房源" ("recycled listings") 数据
大家都知道房子若卖不出去,经纪常用的技巧是把房子从MLS拿下,过一阵子以低一点的价位重新上市。 以New Listing 的姿态吸引买方.
以下是上周大温各区 "回收房源" ("recycled listings")的数目,及占新房源的比例。
以下是上周大温各区 "回收房源" ("recycled listings")的数目,及占新房源的比例。
Area | New Listings | Recycled | Pct |
Squamish | 21 | 6 | 28.6% |
West Vancouver | 55 | 14 | 25.5% |
Vancouver West | 275 | 68 | 24.7% |
Richmond | 220 | 49 | 22.3% |
White Rock | 129 | 26 | 20.2% |
Chilliwack | 20 | 4 | 20.0% |
Coquitlam | 107 | 20 | 18.7% |
Port Moody | 27 | 5 | 18.5% |
Pitt Meadows | 17 | 3 | 17.6% |
Burnaby | 171 | 30 | 17.5% |
Maple Ridge | 73 | 11 | 15.1% |
Port Coquitlam | 40 | 6 | 15.0% |
Abbotsford | 115 | 17 | 14.8% |
Mission | 43 | 6 | 14.0% |
Cloverdale | 71 | 9 | 12.7% |
Langley | 152 | 19 | 12.5% |
Vancouver East | 144 | 18 | 12.5% |
Surrey | 164 | 20 | 12.2% |
New Westminster | 61 | 7 | 11.5% |
Whistler Pemberton | 27 | 3 | 11.1% |
Sunshine Coast | 49 | 5 | 10.2% |
North Delta | 34 | 3 | 8.8% |
North Surrey | 108 | 8 | 7.4% |
North Vancouver | 108 | 8 | 7.4% |
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Ontario 安省信贷评比被降级
预算将继续大砍。 就业率不看好。加拿大经济龙头的未来堪忧。
Apr 26, 2012
Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded its credit rating for Ontario.
The credit rating agency announced Thursday that it downgraded the rating to AA2 with stable outlook, down from AA1 with negative outlook.
Moody’s said the government's targets for reining in spending appear "particularly ambitious" and there is a risk the province will not get rid of its $15-billion deficit as scheduled, five years from now.
“The downgrade of Ontario's rating reflects the growing debt burden and the risks surrounding the province achieving its medium-term fiscal plan given the subdued growth outlook, extended timeframe back to balance and ambitious expenditure targets,” said Jennifer Wong, the lead analyst for Ontario and an assistant vice-president at Moody’s.
It also said that there was little chance of the rating improving any time soon, though Moody's did say that if the Ontario government can meet its targets and reduce the provincial deficit that “could put upward pressure on the rating.”
Confirmed:CMHC 将纳入OSFI管辖,同时将步出covered bonds business
Apr 26, 2012 – 10:46 AM ET
OTTAWA — Finance Minister Jim Flaherty confirmed Thursday the government will tighten regulations for Canada’s housing agency in a bid to help limit the risk to financial institutions amid a red-hot housing market.
Mr. Flaherty said the new measures will “enhance the government and oversight framework for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.”
“These proposed changes are part of the government’s continuous efforts to strengthen the housing finance system,” he said. “They will contribute to the stability of the housing market and benefit all Canadians.”
Mr. Flaherty said the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions will be responsible for reviewing and monitoring CMHC’s commercial activities.
“The bill also gets the CMHC out of the covered bonds business.”
本来无直接关系的CMHC及OSFI, 将统合由OSFI管理。
主管OSFI 的 Julie Dickson 近日来发表了一系列的缩紧房贷/房屋净资产抵押贷款等政策 ( http://business.financialpost.com/2012/04/05/osfi-adds-new-mortgage-rule-for-bankers/ )。若CMHC转由OSFI辖管,那支持加拿大房市的"easy money" 将面临史上未见的紧缩。
财长未改房贷首付/偿还期; 但更严厉的紧缩政策已经由银行/贷款公司推动
GF 在2月预测过房贷/HELOC 贷款政策将在3月紧缩
但是属于财长直辖管理的CMHC (加拿大房贷公司) 及 OSFI (联邦金融管理单位) 双双在3月下旬发表超乎意料的 大幅度限制政府及银行房贷/HELOC贷款的政策。
看来财长聪明地把打房政策经由贷款机构间接实施 (而非直接明显限制民众的首付或偿还期等小伎俩). 如此一来,财长不必须承担 "造成房市破灭的人"的责任, 还可以把责任推卸到借出贷款的银行等金融机构。
但是属于财长直辖管理的CMHC (加拿大房贷公司) 及 OSFI (联邦金融管理单位) 双双在3月下旬发表超乎意料的 大幅度限制政府及银行房贷/HELOC贷款的政策。
看来财长聪明地把打房政策经由贷款机构间接实施 (而非直接明显限制民众的首付或偿还期等小伎俩). 如此一来,财长不必须承担 "造成房市破灭的人"的责任, 还可以把责任推卸到借出贷款的银行等金融机构。
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Rent vs Buy 租房 vs 买房 (一)
今天这一帖,我们来讨论 GF 大傻自身的住处。
地点: 较新 高层公寓,20+楼层 sub-penthouse, 700+ sq ft, 1Br+den,朝北山景,离 sky train 500米。
租金: $1350 (将在今秋与房东杀价,目标 <$1300)
估价: $390,000
假设 Down payment 25% = $97,500
则 Mortgage = $292,500
若偿还期 25年,固定利率3.49%, 则每月 Mortgage payment = 1459
若偿还期 20年,固定利率3.49%, 则每月 Mortgage payment = 1691
若偿还期 15年,固定利率3.49%, 则每月 Mortgage payment = 2086
假设偿还期20年,每月 Mortgage $1691
每月 Condo fee = $195
每月 Property tax + Insurance = $150
每月 平均维修费用 = $15 (几个月来,GF 的房东请人维修的花费预计$100)
总共每月 = $2051
$1325 x 24月 = $31,800
若GF现在买这个单位, 则两年后总养房费 (不包括首付)为:
$2051 x 24月 = $49,224
而这 $49,224 里头,利息占了 $19,580, 而得到的 Equity 为$21,006
等于$49,224 的养房费中,有$28,218 为付给银行/政府/Strata/维修 的花费
(所以,剩下的房贷为 $292,500-$21,006 = $271,494
若房价两年后不变, 则房屋净值为 $390,000-$271,494= $118,506
首付+养房费 = $146,724, 比房屋净值高$28,218)
但是,GF 若两年不买房,而把原本作首付的 $97,500 谨慎,多样化投资。
假设投资回报率为4%/年, 则$97,500 可赚取 $3,900 x2年 = $7,800
所以GF若租房两年,则将损失 $31,800 - $7,800 = $24,000
- 同时,GF投资的那$97,500 (再加利润) 随时可以兑现,拿回手上。
若GF买房两年,则将损失$28,218 (若房价不变)
- 这还不算入任何Strata 修理的另外加收费用,及若condo 大修的special assessment (很容易每屋主就上千,甚至上万)
- 同时,大温Strata 新规勒令Condo 单位必须定时发表"折旧报告" (mandatory depreciation report), 将使Strata 必须明显上涨 Condo Fee, 以提升紧急需要基金 (contingency fund) 等开销。
- 这也不算上两年后若要卖房的费用 (5%)
假设房价下跌 15%
市价: $331,500
剩余房贷: $271,494
净值: $60,006
首付+养房费: $146,724
损失: $86,718
若GF买房两年,而房价下跌 15%,则GF将至少损失$86,716
比起租房两年,若GF现在买房 会多亏损$62,716
若GF两年后见状况不妙,房价已下跌 15%,想要卖房
则将加上卖房费用 (经纪费/律师费/税务等), 假设约 5% x $331,500 = $16,575
若GF买房两年,而房价下跌 15%,想要卖房,则GF将至少损失$103,291
> 一台 Mercedes E350
> 一台 Mercedes C63AMG
= 一台 BMW M3
> 大温平均家庭一年收入(税前)
Coquitlam 独立屋均价,中位数价下跌
Vancouver Price Drop 网站 - 跟踪大温地区降价趋势
Region | # Listings | 5%+ Drop | 10%+ Drop | 5%+ Drop% | 10%+ Drop% |
West Vancouver | 627 | 66 | 15 | 10.5% | 2.4% |
Chilliwack | 153 | 14 | 2 | 9.2% | 1.3% |
Sunshine Coast | 1094 | 84 | 32 | 7.7% | 2.9% |
Vancouver West | 3184 | 229 | 45 | 7.2% | 1.4% |
Whistler Pemberton | 818 | 58 | 17 | 7.1% | 2.1% |
White Rock | 1428 | 96 | 14 | 6.7% | 1.0% |
Richmond | 2463 | 150 | 19 | 6.1% | 0.8% |
New Westminster | 605 | 36 | 5 | 6.0% | 0.8% |
Mission | 715 | 41 | 11 | 5.7% | 1.5% |
Squamish | 393 | 22 | 4 | 5.6% | 1.0% |
Vancouver East | 1261 | 71 | 11 | 5.6% | 0.9% |
Abbotsford | 1424 | 76 | 19 | 5.3% | 1.3% |
North Vancouver | 923 | 49 | 11 | 5.3% | 1.2% |
Hope and Region | 174 | 9 | 2 | 5.2% | 1.1% |
Burnaby | 1665 | 87 | 9 | 5.2% | 0.5% |
Pitt Meadows | 155 | 7 | 2 | 4.5% | 1.3% |
Port Coquitlam | 416 | 18 | 3 | 4.3% | 0.7% |
North Surrey | 1050 | 42 | 11 | 4.0% | 1.0% |
Maple Ridge | 1019 | 40 | 6 | 3.9% | 0.6% |
Coquitlam | 1019 | 40 | 5 | 3.9% | 0.5% |
Langley | 1444 | 50 | 9 | 3.5% | 0.6% |
North Delta | 254 | 9 | 0 | 3.5% | 0.0% |
Tsawwassen | 180 | 6 | 0 | 3.3% | 0.0% |
Cloverdale | 643 | 20 | 4 | 3.1% | 0.6% |
Kent | 161 | 5 | 0 | 3.1% | 0.0% |
Ladner | 130 | 4 | 0 | 3.1% | 0.0% |
Port Moody | 361 | 11 | 2 | 3.0% | 0.6% |
Surrey | 1554 | 27 | 3 | 1.7% | 0.2% |
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