Tuesday, 6 August 2013

"CMHC moves to take steam out of housing market"


“Given the differentials in funding costs via NHA MBS or unsecured long-term funding, I could see [an additional] 20 to 65 basis points in the cost of funding mortgages for the larger banks,” he said. “All else equal, we could see mortgage rates start to move up in unison.”

政府这政策将造成5年固定利率在短期内上升 0.15%-0.65%

而这回光反照般的 成交量上升现象,在9月会随着锁定利率的过期 而急转直下

- We can expect to see continued demand that's "pulled forward" due to people with mortgage pre-approvals hurry into purchasing properties before the rate-holds expire.  We have already witnessed some of this effect in July, I expect sales to continue to be relatively strong until September, while taking a turn for the worse in the last quarter of 2013. 

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