Thursday, 29 August 2013

12 Signs You Are a Home-Owner in Vancouver

1. It’s the first of the month and you have just enough Pre-tax cash in your account to cover mortgage payment…
2.  Your meagre home equity is your savings plan.
savings plan
3. …which is completely decimated when you take it out as HELOC to pay for your roof repair
living room
4. You always do a double-take when you see rich-looking Asians walking past your still-unsold house.
double take
5. …but usually they're just on their way to a yard sale or food bank.
6. Passive aggressive notes from ghosts of grow-ops past litter your "mortgage helper" suite
spit in it
7. You needed to convince your friends to chip in into your down-payment. “Jane? The bank won't lend me enough money even after I borrowed thousands from Bank of Mom&Dad, can you PLEEEEEASE help???”
phone call
8. One look at your account and the banker just humors you for a couple minutes before shuffling you out.
will mcavoy
9. That career as a star (House) Flipper is still in the cards. “Hey, it could totally still happen! I'll just stay in my million-dollar crack shack for a couple more years...”
rob ford10. RRSP? TFSA?? 
11. Oh? Another one of my friends just left Vancouver. That’s. Just. Fantastic.
12. Your Tenant: "My landlord lives in the basement"
the simpsons race car bed
Photos and Gifs:,,,,

This is a parody in response to buzzbuzzhome's "12 signs you’re definitely still a renter"

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