Monday, 8 April 2013

April 1-5 Stats

2013 vs 2012
Sales: 400 vs 613 (-35%)
New List: 1240 vs 1348 (-8%)
Ratio: 32.3% vs 45.5%

Est Month-end Sales: 2400 vs 2799 (-14%)
Est Month-end Lists: 6000 vs 6056 (-1%)
*Apr/13 has 21 business days. Apr/12 had 19 business days. 
Est Month-end Inventory: 16700 vs 16538(+1%)
MOI:6.8-7.2  vs 5.9 (Apr/12)

MOI is projected to increase to ~7 months by end of April
We can expect this April to have the highest MOI in the last decade.

以下为过去几年4月滞销量 (Months of Inventory):
Past Aprils' MOI:
2006: 3.0 个月
2007: 3.5 个月
2008: 4.7 个月
2009: 4.8 个月
2010: 4.5 个月
2011: 4.4 个月
2012: 5.9 个月
2013~ 7.0个月

我们知道,滞销量大于7就是所谓"买方市场", 而过去十多年来,没有一年的3-4月是买方市场。四月过后,滞销量会一路上升。 

今年4月成交/新上市比 及 成交量 可望成为有史以来最低。


year sales list sell/list 
2006 3345 4452 75.1%
2007 3387 5580 60.7%
2008 3218 7010 45.9%
2009 2963 4649 63.7%
2010 3512 7648 45.9%
2011 3225 5847 55.2%
2012 2799 6056 46.2%
2013 2400 6000 40.0% (Est)

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