Saturday, 15 December 2012

mid-December Vancouver sales stats

Dec 1-14 Greater Van Sales Stats
2012 vs 2011
Sales: 645 vs 926 (-30%)
vs Nov: 645 vs 828 (-22%)
Lists: 884 vs 1016 (-13%)
Ratio: 73% vs 91% 

Est Dec Sales: 1110 vs 1658 (-33% YoY, -34% MoM)
Est Dec Lists: 1250 vs 1629 (-24% YoY)
Est Dec Inventory: 13400 vs 12000 (+12% YoY)
Months of Inventory:11.5-12.5 months  vs 7.2月 (vs Dec/11)

Greater Vancouver MOI is expected to reach ~12 months by month-end, worse than the 9.3 months of inventory in November 2012.  We're heading deeper into Buyer's Market territory.
December sales and Sales/New-Lists Ratio will again be 2nd lowest in the last 10+ years.
REBGV HPI price is expected to fall again this month.

大温地区滞销量在12月底将达到12个月,比上个月(9.3个月) 滞销加剧, 更加深入买方市场
今年12月成交/新上市比 将成为十多年来第二低,仅次于2008年。

年份 成交 新上市 比例
2001 2394 1856 129.0%
2002 2205 1895 116.4%
2003 2434 2301 105.8%
2004 2065 1764 117.1%
2005 2332 1735 134.4%
2006 1686 1524 110.6%
2007 1897 1695 111.9%
2008 924 1550 59.6%
2009 2515 2153 116.8%
2010 1899 1699 111.8%
2011 1658 1629 101.8%
2012 1110 1250 89% (预测)


  1. thank you so much for keeping posting real estate info here and us see the price free fall in the near future...

    1. no problem! I'm not sure about 'free fall' but it'll be an exciting ride down : )
