Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Globe & Mail: What’s the rush, first-time buyers? Now's the time to rent

Globe and Mail: "考虑买房的首次置业者们,别急,现在的时机应继续租房"

What’s the rush, first-time buyers? Now's the time to rent
Aug. 22 2012, 6:51 PM
There are financial reasons for slowing down the process of buying a first home, and there are practical reasons. Renting rather than owning makes you better able to move as required to build your career, it frees up money for travel and it insulates you from the home owner’s spending trap of buying furniture, landscaping, electronics and such.
Renting is not a waste of money. It’s what you sensibly do while waiting for the right time to buy a house. Right now, it makes sense to wait longer.

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